PalTalk Notes Jesus is God? “Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with that which is right.” Romans 12:21 Who is Jesus? Jesus asked his disciples " Who do men say that I the Son of Man am?” Peter responded under the inspiration of the Father and said, "You are the Messiah the SON of the living Yehovah.” Note that none of them responded and said 'Some say you are God or a preexistent angel.’ In light of this, I can only conclude that no one at that time believed Jesus to be God or a preexistent angel. Jesus said he was a son of man which means that he is a man. Jesus proclaims to be “A MAN” in the ‘New Testament’, but he is never recorded in this section of Scripture as proclaiming to be God or a preexistent angel. Jesus is an earthly messenger (angel) or prophet of God, but he is not a heavenly preexistent messenger (angel) that was with his Heavenly Father and God at the beginning of creation. Jesus was not a spokesman (messenger, angel) of Jehovah’s word in the beginning, but only in the last days. This is made known clearly in Hebrews 1:1-2. The MAN Jesus first came into being or was born in the flesh just as any other man comes into being in the flesh in their mother's womb and then born 9 months later. One entertaining messengers (angels) unaware is in reference to earthly men that are messengers of God. And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46). Jesus here was quoting Psalm 22:1 “For the choir director; upon Aijeleth Hashshahar. A Psalm of David. My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Far from my DELIVERANCE are the words of my groaning. "For a small moment I have forsaken you, but with tender mercies, I will gather you ..." (Isaiah 45:7). Jehovah saved Jesus from death. O Father-Mother Birther of the Cosmos?! The man Jesus was born a mortal man just as any other man. Jesus is now an immortal man in heaven. Jesus was MADE like his brothers “IN EVERY RESPECT.” When Jesus said that the Father was in him, he was not speaking literally as if God was literally inside him. Jesus also said that he would be in and with his followers speaking figuratively since he was not literally in or with them after he had ascended to heaven. Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Master Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made known in our body (2 Corinthians 4:10). Jesus is not the Most High, since he said when ON EARTH that his Father and God IN HEAVEN is GREATER than he. The current Halachic Jewish view is that Moshiach [Messiah] may even be a Gentile. ~ DKS The benefits of drinking camel urine. Jesus in his time said that antichrist was already there. JESUS IS GOD? Why would anyone want to take the side of those who were out to entrap Jesus in his words so that they might find a reason to arrest him and who falsely accused him of making himself out to be God instead of taking Jesus' side in his simply and only saying that he is the Son “OF” God? Nowhere in the ‘New Testament’ is Jesus ever recorded as telling them or anyone else that he was God. Jesus is not God. Jesus when ON EARTH made it known to his FATHER Who is IN HEAVEN his desire that the men that He had given him from the world might know Him the only true God. Jesus is not Jehovah! Jehovah is Jesus' heavenly FATHER and Creator and God and Jesus is Jehovah's SON. Any simpleton knows that one cannot be their own son and that one cannot be their own father! Jesus is not the only Lord and Saviour. FATHER God MADE Jesus "Lord," not "the LORD [YHWH]." The FATHER God MADE Jesus Lord, meaning that He had GIVEN His SON all power [authority] in heaven and in the earth. God did not sacrifice Jesus and Jesus was not a literal sacrifice as is with animal sacrifices of old. The MAN Jesus presented his body as a living sacrifice just as Paul had instructed his brethren (Romans 12:1). Some of them were executed for righteousness sake just as Jesus was. The arm of FATHER Yehovah is in reference to His power or authority. Yehovah gave His SON Yehoshua power or authority and Jesus can be referred to as the arm of God. It is said in the 'New Testament' "Jesus is the Messiah the SON of the living God.", but it is never said, "Jesus is God." I believe Jesus was born a mortal MAN susceptible to death. I do not believe Jesus is God. I believe that Jesus is now an immortal man in heaven since he has put on immortality. I believe Jesus was the firstborn of all creation to inherit eternal life. Jesus said when ON EARTH, "OUR Father Who is IN HEAVEN ..." Jesus said when ON EARTH, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father [IN HEAVEN]. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to MY Father [IN HEAVEN] and your Father, to MY God and your God.'" (John 20:17) Jesus is not literally the word of God but is the spokesman of his God's word in these last days. Therefore, his TITLE is said in Revelation to be called "The Word of God," not that his given name is to be literally called The Word or God. Like Jesus' name not literally being called Emmanuel. Revelation also prophetically speaks of a two-edged sword that proceeds from Jesus’ mouth. The sword of the spirit is the word of God. Yahshua Gave All Esteem (Glory) To His Father Yahweh. John 3:34; 5:19,30; 7:16,18,28, 8:17,18,28,42,50; 12:47-50; 14:24; 17:8; Matthew 20:23; 26:39; Acts 3:22,26 Yahshua when ON EARTH communicated (prayed) to Father Yahweh "Who art IN HEAVEN" Matthew 14:23, 19:13, 26:39, 27:46, 26:42-44; John Mark 1:35, 6:46, 14:35-36; Luke 3:21, 5:16, 6:12, 9:18, 9:28, 11:1-4, 22:41; John 14:16, 17:1, 17:9, 17:11, 17:15 Jesus speaks the words of his God and Father in heaven. For he whom God has sent speaks the words of God: for God gives not the spirit by measure unto him (John 3:34). Since it is said that Jesus took on all the sins of the world, wouldn't that make him a sinner? Peter was inspired by God to say that Jesus is the Messiah the Son of the living God and Jesus said that his being the Messiah the Son of the living God is the rock that the assembly is to be built on, not "Jesus is God." Funny how James is addressed as a King in the KJV when God is only addressed as Lord, a title inferior to that of King. Bill Hawkins also believes that he is the fulfillment of the Great White Buffalo prophecy of the Indians. The word 'manifest' does not mean being changed from one form of being to another as many would have you to deceptively believe. It means "revealed" or "made known." Jesus revealed or made God known by means of his flesh. ... Who (Yehovah) only has immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man has seen, nor can see: to Whom be honor and power everlasting. So be it! (1 Timothy 6:16). Jesus was a man and is now an immortal man in heaven. Mankind (Adam) was created before the man Jesus was, That is why Jesus is called the SECOND man (Adam), not the FIRST man (Adam). Jesus is called “the Son of man since his lineage traces all the way back to the first man or the first of mankind. Jesus is but a mere man as we are. Jesus created nothing! It is his Father and God in heaven Who ALONE created the heavens and the earth and ALL THINGS IN THEM. Jesus was not perfect when he was born. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect ... (Hebrews 5:8-9). I am Yehovah, and there is none else, there is no mighty one [elohim, god] besides Me: I girded you, though you have not known Me: (Isaiah 45:5). It is He that sitteth upon the globe of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts: he that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in (Isaiah 40:22 - Douay-Rheims Bible). In Scripture, Yehovah constantly refers to Himself as a "He," not as an "it" or as a "she." In the "Old" and "New" Testaments, masculine pronouns are used repeatedly in reference to Yehovah. … for you were aliens in the land of Egypt (Deuteronomy 10:19). And He shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore (Isaiah 2:4). Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong (Joel 3:10). Jesus was not the "Word of the LORD" in the "O.T.", since he is the spokesman of His word in these last days and was not a spokesman of the Father's word in the beginning, it was the prophets of old that were (Hebrews 1:1-3). I was taught that Jesus is God in the Christian church that I was baptized into at the age of 12, but I never believed it, since I had already studied Scripture. They did not teach me Jesus is God until after I was baptized. I was erroneously baptized and dunked three times in Trinitarian manner, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. They erroneously suggested that I start my study of Scripture by reading the book of John instead of starting from the beginning as one would read any other book or series of books. The reason they suggested such foolishness is to deceive me into believing Jesus is God according to their own understanding of John1:1 I believe one should start the reading and studying of Scripture from the beginning (Genesis) as any other book or series of books. TRINITY? The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (from Latin trinitas "triad", from trinus "threefold") defines God as three consubstantial persons, expressions, or hypostases: The Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit; "one God in three persons.” Scripture does not teach such foolishness and never describes God as three persons in one God. Elohim: Singular or Plural? - We ask our Trinitarian friends to stop using Elohim to support their doctrine. This argument is not compelling and it is not being used by the top Trinitarian scholars anymore. by Sean Finnegan Frequently the word Elohim (the Hebrew word for God) is used to assert that God is plural. Naturally, this occurs because the word Elohim is plural in form. In Hebrew, the “-im” ending indicates a plural like the “-s” ending in English. However, language is a tricky thing. Sometimes one will come across a word that ends in an “s” but is not plural (like “news”). The same occurs in Hebrew. Even so, rather than make the case myself (since my understanding of Hebrew is very limited), I have found several excellent Bible dictionary entries that make the point very well. Please note that most of these entries were written by people who believe in the Trinity, but even so, they do not use the plural form of the word Elohim to make their case. “God in three persons blessed Trinity.” is hymnal and not Scriptural. “GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Ghost? My count is three GODS in triunity! Jesus told the Father in prayer that He was the only (ONE), true God. Jesus said "I and the Father are one.", but he did not say 'I and the Father are one and the same being or person as many would deceptively have you to believe. In prayer to the Father WHO IS IN HEAVEN, Jesus made it known to Him that he desired that the men that He had given him from the world be one EVEN AS WE ARE ONE." They are one in unity and agreement with each other, not one and the same being or person. Jesus is not the everlasting Father but is the SON of the everlasting FATHER. Yehoshua is the Messiah the SON of the living Yehovah Who is his and our Heavenly FATHER and Creator. Nowhere in the "New Testament" does it ever teach or say "Jesus is the second person of the Godhead." Nowhere in the "New Testament" does it ever teach, describe, or say "God is a Trinity of three persons in one God. (Col 2:9) For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Jesus figuratively said that the Father was in him and that he could also be in them. John 1:1 does not say "... and the Word was Jesus." Father Yehovah's word is not a separate being or person apart from Himself. Father Yehovah's word is not a "he" or a 'him", but is an "it" as is presented in many other translations that do not personify His word. The word spoken of in John 1:1 is about God’s actual word that was spoken in Genesis. It is not in reference to Jesus but only in that he is the spokesman of God’s word in these last days. Jesus was not a spokesman (angel [messenger], prophet) of God’s word in the beginning in accordance with Hebrews 1:1-2. Yehovah’s word was and has 'power (authority), strength or might.’ In fact, that is what the word ‘god’ means. I do not believe in the virgin birth of Yehoshua, since it is only mentioned twice, once in Matthew and once in Luke and because there is no mention in the other gospel accounts of Mark and John, and on top of that, most of the "New Testament" consist of letters of Paul and he makes no mention of it. I like it that the more modern translations are now translating instead of virgin, but as 'young maiden' in agreement with the Hebrew. Jesus never said "... baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19 is an interpolation into the "New Testament" by Trinitarian translators. The bias Trinitarian translators wrested the word to their own destruction. Yehovah [God] did not become flesh. Yehoshua is the spokesman of his and our Father Yehovah’s word in these last days. (Hebrews 1:1-2). FATHER Yahovah's word of TRUTH figuratively became flesh by WAY of His SON Yehoshua. The word that Yehoshua spoke was not his own, but that of his and our Father Yehovah. Trinitarian translators personified Yehovah's word in their translations to make Jesus out to be God just as the religious leaers falsely accused Jesus of in his time. Father Yehovah’s word in not a separate being or person apart from Himself. Father Yehovah's word is an 'it' and not a 'he' or a 'him.' Yehoshua is not literally his and our Father Yehovah's word, but is the spokesman of His word in these last days. Therefore, Yehoshua's title is called "The Word of Yehovah" in Revelation. It is also said in Revelation that a two-edged sword proceeds out of the mouth of Yehoshua, which is the Word of Yehovah. The sword of the spirit is Father Yahovah’s word. Therefore, Yehoshua's title is called "The Word of Yehovah" in Revelation. It is also said in Revelation that a two-edged sword proceeds out of the mouth of Yehoshua which is the Word of Yehovah. The sword of the spirit is Father Yahovah’s word. The word that Yehoshua spoke was not his own, but that of his and our Father Yehovah. Yehoshua is the spokesman of his and our Father Yehovah’s word in these last days. (Hebrews 1:1-2). Jesus did claim to be the Messiah. The woman said, "I know that the Messiah [Christ] is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us." Then Jesus declared, "I, the one speaking to you am he." (John 4:25-26) I believe God and Jesus to be two separate and distinct beings or persons and I would never conclude "Jesus is God" or that God is a trinity of three persons. To me, that is pure poppycock! Jesus is not "The angel of the LORD" in the "Old Testament." According to Hebrews 1:1-2, Jesus was not a spokesman (prophet, messenger [angel]) of Father Yehovah's word in the beginning, but that he is a spokesman of His word in these last days. The prophets of old were the spokesmen of Father Yehovah's word in the beginning. I don't believe Jesus is God, but I believe it is recorded in the "New Testament" that he is the SON of God and that one is asked to confess and believe that he is the Messiah the SON of the living Yehovah. Not once in ANY translation of the "New Testament" is it ever recorded "Jesus Christ is God” nor does it ever ask one to believe and confess such foolishness. FATHER Yehovah did not create "THROUGH" or "BY" His SON Yehoshua, but Yehovah created "FOR," "ON ACCOUNT OF," “FOR THE SAKE OF” or "BECAUSE OF" His SON Yehoshua. Yehovah created the world "by" (through) the son (Heb. 1:2 KJV). The Diaglott says Yehovah created the world "on account of" the son. Any one of the three ["by," "through," or "on account of"] is, technically, a correct translation of the Greek word Di' or Dia. Dia is in the KJV translated several ways, but usually is translated as follows: By - 243 times; through - 100 times; for - 106 times; because - 24 times; because of - 29 times; for the sake of - 32 times; etc. Yehoshua was the only begotten son at the time that he became the firstborn, but he is no longer the only begotten since he is the firstborn of many brethren. Nowhere in ANY translation of the “New Testament” does it ever teach or say such foolishness as "Jesus is God incarnate." Nowhere in ANY translation of the "New Testament" will you ever find Jesus proclaiming "I am God." nor will you find anyone saying "Jesus is God." GLORY FATHER Yehovah and His SON Yehoshua do not share the same esteem [glory]. Father Yehovah had esteem ["glory"] for His son Yehoshua long before he was born or came into existence. When Yehoshua said "Glorify me with the glory that I had with You before the world was.", he was not speaking of a preexistence that he had with the Father before the world was, but was speaking of the glory that he had with the Father before the world was. Just as an earthly father has esteem ["glory"] for his son before he is born or comes into existence, FATHER Yehovah also had esteem for His SON Yehoshua before he was born or came into existence. Father Yehovah had esteem for His prophet Jeremiah before he was born or came into existence the same as He did for His son Jesus. Yehovah said to me, “Before I FORMED YOU IN YOUR MOTHER’S WOMB I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.” I answered, “Oh, Yehovah Almighty, I really do not know how to speak well enough for that, for I am too young. Yehovah said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ But go to whomever I send you and say whatever I tell you. Do not be afraid of those to whom I send you, for I will be with you to rescue you,” says Yehovah. Then Father Yehovah reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I will most assuredly give you the words you are to speak for Me. Know for certain that I hereby GIVE YOU THE AUTHORITY to announce to nations and kingdoms that they will be uprooted and torn down, destroyed and demolished, rebuilt and firmly planted.” (Jeremiah 1:5-10). Father Yehovah had esteem for His prophet Jeremiah before he was born or came into existence the same as He did for His son Jesus. Yehovah said to me, “Before I FORMED YOU IN YOUR MOTHER’S WOMB I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.” Just like Jesus, Jeremiah was given authority and the words to speak. Then Father Yehovah reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I will most assuredly give you the words you are to speak for Me. Know for certain that I hereby GIVE YOU THE AUTHORITY to announce to nations and kingdoms that they will be uprooted and torn down, destroyed and demolished, rebuilt and firmly planted.” (Jeremiah 1:5-10). Yehoshua was asking his and our Father Yehovah that he be esteemed ["glorified"] for doing His will. Father Yehovah knew beforehand that His will would be accomplished through His son Yehoshua. So, it is clear that Father Yahowah did have esteem ["glory"] for His son Yehoshua before he was born or came into existence. Jesus did not see the Father before the world was, but he did have glory with him just as an earthly father has esteem [glory] for a planned son before he is born or comes into existence. After that son is born, that son then can say that he had esteem with his father before he was born, but he cannot say that he has seen his father or was with him before he was born. If Elohim in reference Yehovah is plural, why did they not translate Genesis 1:1 as 'In the beginning, Gods created the heavens and the earth?' Jesus was born, came into the world or into existence as a mortal man just as any other man. It says that he was MADE like his brothers IN EVERY RESPECT. It also says that he was MADE a little lower than the angels (just as all men are) for a short time. He is now an immortal man in heaven, meaning he is no longer susceptible to death. Yehoshua is not God but is the SON of God. Yehovah is Yehoshua’s Heavenly Father and God. Scripture speaks figuratively of FATHER Yahovah being in His SON Yehoshua. Yehoshua also spoke figuratively of the apostles and his students being in him and him being in them. God was the only foundational spiritual rock at that time since Jesus did not exist at that time. Jesus can now be a foundational spiritual rock now since God has given him all power in heaven and in the earth. Adam (mankind) is divine following the definition that divine means of, from, or like God or a god. Yehoshua was given authority to forgive sin by his and our Father Yehovah and His and our Almighty One. The Heavenly Father and Creator's Name, Yehovah is above His son's name which is Yehoshua. The Heavenly Father made His son's name above all other names in heaven and earth except for His Own Name. It was FATHER Yehovah Who gave His SON Yehoshua his name. Prayer is communication and there is nothing wrong with communicating with both FATHER Yehovah and His SON Yehoshua, but Yehoshua instructed the apostles and his disciples to pray (communicate) to His and OUR FATHER Who is in heaven when he said "OUR FATHER Who is IN HEAVEN ...." when he himself was here ON EARTH or IN THE WORLD. When Yehoshua went alone by himself into the garden he prayed to his and our FATHER Who is IN HEAVEN. He did not go off alone talking to himself like a schizophrenic. He prayed to his God and our God Who is IN HEAVEN when he himself was here ON EARTH or IN THE WORLD. It is quite simple! Jesus is the SON of God WHO is his and our FATHER and his God and our God. When ON EARTH, Yehoshua said that the word that he spoke was not his own, but the word of the Father Who is IN HEAVEN. This shows that FATHER Yahovah and His SON Yehoshua are two separate and distinct beings or persons and that they are not "one and the same being" as many falsely teach. How can someone who is dead raise themselves from the dead? Any simpleton knows that one cannot be their own father and that one cannot be their own son. To say "God the Son" is twisting what Scripture actually says in reference to Jesus. It is “son of God,” not “God the Son.” According to Luke 22:12–13, the descent of the Holy Spirit occurred while the Apostles were celebrating the Jewish day of Shavuot (Hebrew: שבועות‎‎, lit. "Weeks"), the Feast of Weeks, a prominent feast in the calendar of ancient Israel celebrating the giving of the Law to Moses at Sinai. Subsequently, "Pentecost" may refer to the Pentecost of the New Testament and Shavuot of the Old Testament “Before Abraham was, I am.” John referred to Jesus as being greater than he (John 1:27). Jesus was before John the Baptist in that he had predominance over him or was greater than he was, not that Jesus existed before he existed. The same is true when Jesus said: “Before Abraham was I am.” When Jesus said "Before Abraham was I am." he was speaking of his being greater than Abraham or having predominance over him in answer to their question "Are you greater than our father Abraham?", not that he had existed or was born before Abraham. Abraham understood or perceived the coming of the Messiah. The word 'seen' can mean what one literally sees with their eyes or what one perceives or understands with their mind or heart. By faith, Abraham, when he was “called”, “obeyed” to go out to the place which he was to receive for an inheritance. ... He died in faith not yet having received the promises, but having SEEN them, embraced them from AFAR ... Abraham also SEEN the promised coming of the Messiah from afar. When Jesus said, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father." he was not speaking in the literal sense as seeing with the eyes, but was speaking of perceiving or understanding with the heart or mind. When the MAN Jesus said, "I am", he was saying "I am" in reference to himself just as any other man would say "I am" in reference to themselves. Why take the side of Jesus’ accusers who were falsely accusing him of blasphemy in that he was supposedly making himself out to be God or equal with Him? They were out to entrap him in his words that they might find a reason to arrest him, not actually listening to him that they might understand what he was actually saying. One should instead take Jesus’ side in his simply saying that he was the SON of God. Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk (Matthew 22:15; Mark 3:6). Say you of him, whom the Father has set apart, and sent into the world, You blaspheme; because I said, I am the Son of God? (John 10:36) The word 'manifest' simply means "made known" or "revealed." It does not mean being transformed from one form to another as many would have you believe. Jesus MADE His Father's will KNOWN or he REVEALED his Father's will to mankind. Jesus made God known or revealed (manifested) Him to the rest of mankind. The Alpha and the Omega in Revelation is about the Almighty. Jesus is not the Almighty since he clearly said "The Father is greater than I am," and since there is one greater than Jesus, he cannot be Almighty. Jesus "was prepared from the foundation of the world." This does not say the Jesus preexisted before the foundation of the world. Father Yehovah prepared that a Messiah would come from the very beginning. His son Yehoshua only pre-existed in the sense that he was in his Father’s plan. All throughout the "New Testament” Jesus refers to God as his and our FATHER Who IS IN HEAVEN when he himself was HERE ON EARTH. In this same section of Scripture God refers to Jesus as His SON in whom He is well pleased. God and Jesus are two separate and distinct beings or persons. They are not "one and the same being" as many teach. Nowhere in Scripture is God ever described as three persons in one God. WORSHIP It is not proper to "worship" Jesus, angels or kings as our Heavenly Father and Creator, Yehovah [God]. Note that there are diverse definitions for the word 'worship' in our English language just as in any other language. Look it up in your Funk & Wagnalls! Yehoshua would be Master [Lord] having been GIVEN authority or power by his and our Father Yehovah [the LORD]. Yehovah is LORD [in all caps representing His Name YHVH]. Yehoshua is Lord, but he is not LORD. FATHER Yehovah made His SON Yehoshua Lord, but He did not make him LORD. FATHER Yehovah gave His SON Yehoshua all power or authority in heaven and in the earth and it was in this sense that He made him Lord. Father YEHOVAH and His son YEHOSHUA do not share the same name. It is FATHER Yehovah Who gave His SON His name and that name is Yehoshua, not Yehovah. The name Yehoshua means ‘Yehovah is Redeemer’ which designates FATHER Yehovah as our Supreme Redeemer. Yehoshua said that his FATHER and his Almighty One [God] GAVE Him all power (authority) in heaven and in the earth. Father Yehovah clearly said that He was the Creator of the heavens and the earth and ALL THINGS IN THEM. FATHER Yehovah’s SON Yehoshua did not create ANYTHING and he never proclaimed that he had created ANYTHING. But to us, there is but one Yehovah [LORD, God], the Father, of Who are all things, and we in Him; and one Master [Lord], Yehoshua the Messiah, because of who are all things, and we because of him (1 Corinthians 8:6). Father Yehovah's word is just that, His word. His word is not a separate being or person apart from Himself just as our word is not a separate being or person apart from ourselves. Idols are referred to as 'god' in Scripture, but idol gods do not represent Father Yehovah (God). The word 'god' simply signifies something that is said to have power, strength, might or authority. Scripture says that all of the gods of the nations are nothing but worthless idols that cannot speak or move and must be fastened down so that they do not topple over. Such gods have no power whatsoever. Yehovah Judges Among ALL Nations, Kindreds, and Languages For with fire and with His sword Yehovah will execute judgment on ALL people, and many will be those slain by Yehovah. "Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one who is among those who eat the flesh of pigs, rats, and other unclean things--they will meet their end together with the one they follow," declares Yehovah. "And I, because of what they have planned and done, am about to come and gather the people of ALL NATIONS AND LANGUAGES, and they will come and see My esteem. "I will set a sign among them, and I will send some of those who survive to the nations--to Tarshish, to the Libyans and Lydians (famous as archers), to Tubal and Greece, and to the distant islands that have not heard of my fame or seen My esteem. They will proclaim My esteem among the nations. And they will bring all Your people, from all the nations to My set apart mountain in Jerusalem as an offering to Yehovah--on horses, in chariots and wagons, and on mules and camels," says Yehovah. "They will bring them, as the Israelites bring their grain offerings, to the temple of Yehovah in ceremonially clean vessels. (Isaiah 66:16-20). After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindred’s, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, “Redemption to our Almighty One which sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb (Revelation 7:9-10).” And He shall judge the world in righteousness, He shall minister judgment to the people {nations} in uprightness [Psalm 9:8]. He shall judge among the heathen {nations}, He shall fill the places with the dead bodies; He shall wound the heads over many countries [Psalm 110:6]. For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather ALL NATIONS AND LANGUAGES; and they shall come, and see My esteem [Isaiah 66:18]. By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations (Genesis 10:5). Yehoshua said "... blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed (John 20:29b)." Jesus' first followers were Jews that believed that he was the Messiah, so in turn, they were Messianic Jews. I have yet to see any miracles on the level that Jesus and the apostles are said to have performed. Yehoshua’s Execution As for me, may I never boast about anything except the executing of our Master Yehoshua the Messiah. Because of that execution, my interest in this world has been executed, and the world’s interest in me has also died (Galatians 6:14). Who slew Yehoshua? "And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them, Saying, did not we straightly command you that you should not teach in this name? and, behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey Yehovah rather than men. The Almighty One of our fathers raised up Yehoshua, whom you slew and hanged on a tree (Acts 5:27-30)." Who executed Yehoshua? Therefore, let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that Yehovah has made that same Yehoshua, whom you have executed, both Master and the Messiah (Acts 2:36). That sleep is death with the propensity to awake or come back to life. That is the first death. In the second death, you will be dead and it is not referenced to as sleep since you will never live again. Yehoshua had a separate glory from that of his and our Father Yehovah. Yehovah said that He would not share His glory with another. Father Yehovah perfected His SON Yehoshua - For it was fitting for Him (Yehovah), for Whom are all things, and because of Whom are all things, in bringing many sons to esteem, to perfect the author of their redemption (Yehoshua) through sufferings (Hebrews 2:10). Yehovah told Moses to bring up Aaron, his two sons Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel (fifth ascent). Yehovah called Moses and Joshua to the mountain (sixth ascent). Jeremiah 8:8 How can you say, “We are wise! We have the law of the Lord”? The truth is, those who teach it have used their writings to make it say what it does not really mean. Miscellaneous Moses ha-Kohen de Tordesillas argued that the Yeshu narratives referred to different people and could not have referred to Jesus of Nazareth. Asher ben Jehiel also asserted that the Yeshu of the Talmud is unrelated to the Christian Jesus. LINKS Enter “Noah’s Ark discovered! - DEBUNKED” into the Google search query to discover the truth on this matter. "WHERE are ENOCH and ELIJAH?" ALICIA JO RABINS MUSIC "If he [Servetus] comes [to Geneva], I shall never let him go out alive if my authority has weight." ~ John Calvin, Source ~ Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (Baker Book House, 1950), p. 371. Rabbi Shaul Marshall Praver RabbiRockShows's channel Guitar Music, Orthodox Jew guitarist shredding Rabbi Shaul Marshall Praver Facebook Syria was not the one who carried out a chemical attack. Syrian False Flag Gas Attack? Syrian False Flag Gas Attack? Independent MP Andrew Wilkie says there's no evidence the Assad government was responsible for the gassing of civilians "You know it's a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out legalizing marijuana is Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob, what is the matter with them? I suppose it's because most of them are psychiatrists, you know, there's so many, all the greatest psychiatrists are Jewish. By God, we are going to hit the marijuana thing, and I want to hit it right square in the puss." VIDEO: Someone might jump to the conclusion that this is a Muslim man: (Portuguese speaking man in Brazil) Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice (Ephesians 4:31). I was at a friend's house and his ex-wife brought his son over for visitation rights. His son was complaining about his front tooth is loose. Looking at it closer I noted the new tooth growing in behind it and that it was growing in crooked. All throughout my childhood, my parents would make sure my teeth were pulled so a new tooth would not grow in crooked. I concluded that my friend's ex-wife did not take into consideration her son's tooth growing in crooked and did not make sure the old tooth was pulled so the new tooth did not grow in crooked. I then asked my friend's son to let me take a closer look at it. He opened his mouth and I touched the loose tooth slightly and noted that it was really loose and I then put my finger underneath his tooth and pulled up on it quickly and it popped right off and he started bleeding and then started crying seeing the blood. He ran downstairs to his mother crying. She came upstairs and jumped all over me for pulling his tooth. Later when my friend's boy had grown up, I met him again and he remembered me as the guy who pulled his tooth and he started blaming me for his tooth growing in crooked. I had to explain to him that his tooth was already crooked when I had pulled it and the reason his tooth grew in crooked was that he had not pulled it early enough causing the new tooth to grow in crooked. A blood moon, or lunar tetrad, does not occur on a regular schedule. However, the blood moons of 2014 and 2015 are not isolated events. Between the first century and 2014, there were 62 lunar tetrads. Piss on the Quran! CNN: Terror training fraud? Video: CNN Exposes Walid Shoebat’s Terror Training Scam - Part 2 (CAIR) My father told me when I was a kid that the back man came about by Eve walking through the Garden of Eden and an ape raped her. He also told me that black people have stealing in their blood. I told him that they have the same red blood as we do. He disagreed with me and pointing out that it was only black people that have sickle celled anemia. Was my father a racist? I saw him as a racist with other similar remarks he made about blacks. Confronting Pseudo-archeological memes Pt 4: Was Byblos the Goddess of Writing? Is the Word Bible Pagan? You are afraid, embarrassed too - No one has ever said such a thing to you - Your mother's ghost stands at your shoulder - Got a face like ice … just a little bit colder - Saying to you - Cannot do that it breaks all the rules - You learned in schools Which weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of gold? Answer: A pound of lead weighs more because gold is measured in Troy pounds. Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of dogs?